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Soldier of Fortune: Payback.

Posted by MakoSucks - November 19th, 2007

Soldier of Fortune was one of the goriest games I ever played. I remember shooting a terrorist in the balls while he was pissing on a hostage. His crotch exploded in blood, and I stabbed his face until there was nothing left but a bloody stump, after he died I shot off the terrorists limbs piece by piece until he was a bloody torso. Then I killed the hostage and did the same thing to him. Good times.

Sadly Soldier of Fortune: Payback is so bad it makes me want to boycott Activision. I am pretty sure Sof Payback initially had nothing to do with Soldier of Fortune. It was probably another Activision Value title, like Cabela's Big Game Hunt, Barbie the Island Princess, and Dancing with the Stars the GAME! But someone at the last minute decided to make a quick buck by removing the Activision Value labels on it, slap the SoF name to make a quick buck, ship it out at full price, and screw us all over. They didn't even remove Activision Value from the install directory. I guess they thought it would be funny to rub in the fact that you just payed full price for half a game.

First off the gore... Arms and legs break off and heads come off, but It is nothing like the original Sof. The original had the G.H.O.U.L. Gore system, which allowed for blowing off limbs piece by peice, from head to toe. Payback only has 5 dismember points (arms ,legs, and head.) They half assed Soldier of Fortune's main hook: the fuckin' fun gore. The gore in payback is not brutal and not fun.

The game play would probably be a tolerable generic shooter if it wasn't for the horrible level design, and the moronic health system that are constantly fucking each other over. Oh and the fact that the PC version is just a console port. There are no graphic options, no text based, or voice chat in the shitty multiplayer mode. Just frusturating everything.

The health system is like Call of Duty's, where you get shot 3 times and die, but if you duck behind cover your health recharges. This would be a fine change from the originals if it wasn't for the fact that THERE IS NO FUCKING COVER! All the shitty levels are fancy looking hallways! The only cover are explosive barrels or explosive cars.

There are quite a lot of guns here, but they are are so generic it doesn't matter what gun you have, or what attachment you have on it, because they all fire bullets, and they all suck. There is even Iron sight aiming for some reason, but it's pointless since its more effective to just bullet hose everyone.

Like all old things made new, Soldier of Fortune: Payback missed everything that made the original so great. the serious, mature tone to the original is replaced with a saturday morning cartoon storyline, and slap stick violence. The whole game is half assed, and it isn't even fun. I was hoping for a little gore, or at least old school style generic first person shooting, but this game is even less then that. but if you have to play this bullshit game, warez it, don't buy or rent this piece of shit game. Or buy the original SoF games instead, those are full games not a fucking soulless bastard alpha of a game.


This is the box "art" for the game... Doesn't it look like a budget game? Well guess what?! IT IS! Only it's the same price as a regular game! This game installs into the Activision Value directory. Activision Value makes games like Rapelas big game hunt, Pimp my ride, and other shitty games. It looks like all activision did was slap on the SOF name at the last second to make a quick buck, and forgot to get rid of the Activision Value directory. That is how much testing and effort went into this box of bullshit.

Soldier of Fortune: Payback.


I haven't played SOF, but i kno wat u r talkin about.
idk how much of my time and money has been wasted by half ass games w/prestigious titles. Medal of honor vanguard was a big letdown as well.

i have soldier of fortune double helix on xbox, i like this game but not my fav

yeah it's probably acceptable on the 360, but on the pc it feels like a cheap 360 port!

you're fucking psychotic